Words of the Day:

"All I know is but a Grain of Sand" Knowledge is very humbling when you realize how much you don't know.

-Mark Canniff

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Thought for the Soldiers . . .

Well, I know I usually reserve this for my Spiritual Journey but with November 11th approaching I would like to pay tribute to all of those that serve, or have served in the military. When I wrote it, two years ago, it was one of those articles that just "came out". Much like when a song writer writes a song that comes from "seemingly" nowhere or the artist that produces that piece of art that just captures the imagination.

I feel it is something that should be shared. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it (please note that this is in its original format, the way that it was meant to be shared).

A Thought for the Soldiers . . .

This thought goes to all soldiers, families and friends.

To say that we ask them to go anywhere and do what we need them to do is a question that is never easy to ask.

Every member of our armed forces is a volunteer. Every member will have to at some point face their fears when we ask them to go to the places that we do. To do the things we ask of them.

They serve because they choose to.

When you really think about it these men and women are away from the ones they love. Some don't know if they are coming back, or if they are going to see their wives, husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, sons and daughters, family and friends again.

Think about that for a moment . . .

How would you feel if you were leaving to go somewhere dangerous and you knew that you might be put into harms way and you had to say goodbye to the people that you love . . . ?

Can you imagine how they feel?

How can we even begin to understand how they feel? For some of us, being apart from the ones we love for even a day can be extremely challenging. They have to say goodbye for what might end up being the rest of their lives!

How do we even begin to imagine how they feel?

Maybe we can't but we can do something here to remember them. To say that we love you and we thank you.

We can say to the soldiers over there, that "remember your home". Remember the ones that love you. Keep them close to your heart because one day you will see them again.

One day you will see them again.

One day you will be able to come home to your family. Know that all of you are apart of our family.

The family that we call America.

Nothing would make us happier than to know that you came home safely. Nothing would make us prouder than to see you again and then we could say "You served us with honor. You served to the best of your ability. You served to keep us safe."

How can we thank you?

Maybe we can make a start by remembering you and your fellow soldiers.

We can remember too the ones that can't be with us anymore. The ones that will see us again, just not here. Just not now.

So we say to you that we honor you! We thank you! We are so very proud of you!

Please remember us. Please continue to love us.

Because THAT will show you the way Home!

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